Adam Sierakowski
Non-Executive Chairman
Non-Executive Chairman
Adam Sierakowski is a lawyer and founder of the firm Palisade Corporate (formerly Price Sierakowski) and is the founder and managing director of corporate advisory firm, Trident Capital. Adam has held numerous board positions with ASX listed companies for over 20 years including many as chairman. Currently, he serves as a director of Kinetiko Energy Ltd (ASX:KKO), VP Minerals Ltd, Raptor Resources Ltd (ASX:RPL) and U Group Ltd.
Adam has extensive expertise in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, reverse takeovers, IPOs, resources, energy, technology, corporate financing, regulator engagement and structuring advice. His board roles as both a non-executive and executive director have included private and not for profit entities, applying particular skills in corporate compliance, governance, ESG and strategic planning.